Regardless of whether the move is expected by you and your military family, a deployment or permanent change of station (PCS) can be incredibly overwhelming and chaotic, particularly if you have children. Luckily, if you are able to work with the right realtor and make the necessary preparations, a smooth moving process can come about. Here are a few tips for a military relocation.

Secure Passports and Visas

If you and your family are moving overseas, it is important that you apply for the necessary passports and visas as quickly as possible after finding out that you will be relocating. The good news is that your family will be eligible for no-fee passports.

Organize Documents

You should get a binder to hold all the important documents for your family, including the passports and visas that you previously acquired if you didn't already have them. In addition, the binder should include documents like birth certificates, social security cards, medical records, school records, and the like. To ensure that you have an extra copy in the event of damage, theft, or loss, make electronic copies of these documents.

Contact a Realtor

Once you find out where you will be moving to, it is a good idea to do your research into realtors who have experience with military relocations. These real estate agents will be familiar with the PCS process and be able to work with you to find a home that fits the needs of your family. It is important to not procrastinate this step. The longer that you wait to contact a realtor to start looking at houses in the new location, the more stress that you will undergo due to having to rush the moving process.

Prepare the Children

If you have children, it can be difficult to talk to them about PCS or deployment. Having to change locations can upset them because they have to tell their friends goodbye, leave their school, etc. However, if you maintain an open line of communication with your child and remain positive about the experience, you can help them see the move as a new adventure that your family is going on together. Get them involved in the move itself, which can help them feel more in control of the process.

Military relocations don't have to be as stressful as they sound, especially if you follow the aforementioned tips. For more information, contact a real estate agent in your area.  
