If you are looking to buy a large lot out in the country, you want to make sure that you know exactly what you are getting. There are some things that you can do to make sure that you know everything possible about your property.
Get it Surveyed
One thing you need to know is exactly where your property lines are. You want to make sure that anything you want to do is done on your property and that no one encroaches on your property. The easiest way to handle that is to have a surveyor come out and check out your property for you. What they are going to do is to look at various documents to see where they say that the property lines are. Then they will walk the property and make various measurements so that they can find your property lines and mark them for you. Not only will they mark them on a map, they will place physical markers that you can use as landmarks.
Find Rights of Way
A right of way is when someone has the right to use a certain part of your property for certain reasons. For example, you may have electrical lines that have to run through your property, and the utility company will occasionally need to get to that area. They will have a right of way to get from the road to the power lines. They may also have some kind of road or trail that they can follow. Another example is if you have a neighbor who would otherwise be unable to reach the road from their house, so they are able to have a driveway or road across a small section of your property. You want to make sure that you have all the information about rights of way put into your sale contract and that you have spoken with anyone who will be accessing your property and have signed legal documents with them so that everyone knows exactly where the access point is, where it goes, and what responsibilities each party has towards maintaining the access ways. There are a lot of reasons to do this, but the biggest one is that you don't want to end up in any disputes with neighbors or anyone else.
If you are going to buy property out in the country, you want to make sure you know exactly what you are getting. Your real estate agent should be able to help you find a surveyor and information about rights of way.